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Joined: 03/23/03
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Registered User
Joined: 03/23/03
Posts: 625
10/09/2003 3:37 am
Well, I will be the first to say, I do my best not to be rude to anyone unless provoked. I mean hell I always tip 25% when I go to a resturant where I am being waited on, I always say hello, please, and thank you. I try to be as nice as I can be to people in that position. I was there myself once.

I will say this though, all you f'in whiners crying "boo hoo it's a minimum wage job, so why take pride in it..." That's a bunch of bullsh*t. I didn't pick your job for you, you did. If you don't want to be there, you can very easily go find gainful employment somewhere else. But to not take pride in a job that you are getting paid to do SUCKS. You should be grateful you got one in the first place. Also to those of you who are saying "I will take pride in my job when I graduate college and get a career", you better learn how to say "Would you like fries with that?" because the work force sucks right now, and you will be contending with people who are a hell of a lot more qualified than you are. Also who's to say you will take pride in what you do when you get there, because already you have learned poor work skills early in life.

Thinking like that just tells me how sorry this world has become. I personally would be embarrassed to not give 110% in anything I do. You should too.

Maybe I should have never started this post because it is just making me sick hearing some of the crap you people are spitting out...
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?