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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
10/07/2003 9:15 pm
Its monkey labor and people treat it as such...the wage is not meant to be a main income,but instead supplement it.College,car payments,increase in rent,unexpected conception,teenage income...these are the majority of motives that have people work the lesser respected jobs...
In my opinion though,people should recieve respect according to their character,demeanor,attitude...These qualitys degrade with the decrease of dignity.Its not always the case...some people enjoy working under the customer...they are the "people persons".In the same perspective,incompetence increases with lesser magnitude of the responsability givin.Flipping/dressing burgers and brain surgery hold extremley different responsabilitys...It dosnt exuse stupidity,but you can see where the employee may cease to care.

Later! \m/
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