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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
10/07/2003 1:44 am
Last time I went to burger king I demanded 3 meals for under 3 dollars...I didnt get them.heres some other good ideas(using brain power to a lesser extent)...throw a bunch of sweet and sour sauce at the drive thru person,ask for free water and throw it at the drive thru person,when eating inside leave your mess,when eating inside throw out your tray along with the mess,take the salt and pepper shakers(if available)and empty them on the floor beside you,leave a good coat of your choice of sauce or condemant on the entrance/exit door handles,spit on the backrest of your seat or booth before leaving,spill a large amount of water in a high traffic area of the selected area,wedge a cup of water or unfinished drink in the top of the bathroom/exit/entrance door,if the bathroom requires a key leave the key/s in the bathroom,dispose of all toilet paper in the trash,steal or steal from the march of dimes/jimmy fund/ronald mcdonal charity collection can...thats about all I can think of...throwing stuff at people is always a good choice,as they will be much more concerned with there appearance than the one who threw it(you)....

Later! \m/
Try once,fail twice...