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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
Posts: 1,518
09/30/2003 11:36 pm
Yeah the locrian is a weird mode, probably the least used. But if your looking to write something dark, that's your scale. It's a good way to end a piece also, and the key behind that is you start the chord progression with a VIIo, but end it on the I chord. Not always VIIo straight to I but maybe VIIo-IIIo-VImin-IV-I. Basically your moving down in the circle of fifths and then back up to the tonic. So the chord progression in C major is Bm7b5 - (f major)Em7b5 -Amin (maj depending on strenght)- Fmaj - Cmaj.

This is a great way to conclude a piece if you have modulated between C major and F major somewhere in the piece. A common example is the main theme in C major and maybe the bridge in F major. Concluding with both familiars in the final movement will give a greater sense of resolution.

[Edited by noticingthemistake on 09-30-2003 at 06:39 PM]
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.