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Joined: 09/10/03
Posts: 38
Joined: 09/10/03
Posts: 38
09/21/2003 7:29 pm
Instead of trying to make a room look so much better with a bunch of cool stuff to do and waste time doing that, go and look up on the internet and find out what the different time zones are and set up a time to chat with people. People might be interested in meeting fellow guitar players and learning things from others but in won't do them a damn bit of good if someone says, "I'll be on at 9:45pm eastern time." That don't help someone in Germany who might be interested in chatting if they don't know what the time zone difference is. I am not trying to piss anyone off just trying to be logical about it. Here is a address that might be of help
"I use heavy strings,
tune low, play hard and
floor it. Floor it.
That's technical talk.