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Grizzled Veteran
Joined: 02/07/02
Posts: 2,809
Grizzled Veteran
Joined: 02/07/02
Posts: 2,809
09/19/2003 1:46 am
Greetings fellow tricksters. I've got a lot of work done on the chat room. I've even been working on a trivia bot for our channel, but I'll go into that more on another thread because I'll need help from you all on that one. I've got two different looking chat rooms that are linked to the same irc channel up and running. Here's the links:

Room 1: Stripped-down, plain jane, chat room. Recommended for users with a resolution of 800 X 600 pixels or less.

Room 2: Pimped out chat room recommended for high resolution users (1024 X 968 or more).

I invite you all to try out both links at your leisure and then vote for your choice (either Room 1 or Room 2 as listed above) here on this thread. Additionally, I'd like to try a chat night tonight (Sept. 18), How does 11:30pm EST sound? I'll be there, so come check out the room.

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