I'm in the market for buying a 1x12" combo, and was curious as to what your opinions were as to what the best combo is. Please explain why you choose the amp, and it's tonal range. Preferably newer amps that are on the market right now, and preferably tube, but I'm going to try to keep an open mind about that. It doesn't necessarilly have to be a 1x12" combo, but I am kindof partial to that size. I'm just looking for a good amp to jam on so I don't have to lug my half stack everywhere. I'm not looking for a particular sound either, just something that will be versatile. Thanks for any and all help!
best combo
# 1

I use a Bogner Shiva 1x12. (EL34)
It cost an "arm and a leg" but I think it was worth it. I sold a lot of mediocre gear to get it. Two beautufil sounds. The clean is lush and vibrant -- kinda like a blend of a Twin and JTM 45. The lead is like the most perfect modded Marshall sound I can imagine.
The reverb is deep and beautiful as well.
All Bogner amps are made from high-grade components (I even have photos of the chassis on my site) -- which means that you can get great sounds even at relatively low volumes -- not an easy thing for tube amps to do (especially an 80 watt amp).
The amp is heavy though and you'd have to spend $ on a custom road case. For a new one w/verb and road case you're looking at somewhere in the area of $2500
It cost an "arm and a leg" but I think it was worth it. I sold a lot of mediocre gear to get it. Two beautufil sounds. The clean is lush and vibrant -- kinda like a blend of a Twin and JTM 45. The lead is like the most perfect modded Marshall sound I can imagine.
The reverb is deep and beautiful as well.
All Bogner amps are made from high-grade components (I even have photos of the chassis on my site) -- which means that you can get great sounds even at relatively low volumes -- not an easy thing for tube amps to do (especially an 80 watt amp).
The amp is heavy though and you'd have to spend $ on a custom road case. For a new one w/verb and road case you're looking at somewhere in the area of $2500
# 2
The shiva would defanately be an awsome amp to own, but it's a good bit out of my price range... :(
# 3
Since I already have a PODxt, what about using the Tech 21 Power Engine 60 1x12 combo. Since it produces a flat signal and isn't supposed to color the sound any. It would also be cool to A/B the PODxt and power engine with my Peavey Triple XXX head and marshall cab. The possabilities would be endless then.....Any opinions on that setup (not the XXX, just the PODxt and the Power Engine)?
# 4

Depending on what you want to spend, i would go with a nice mesa boogie subway rocket. To my knowledge they are no longer being made, but i picked mine up on ebay for about 425 bucks. I fell in love with it in seconds, and i love it more every day. I love mesa full tube tone. I was thinking about getting a Marshal DSL combo, and after playing this one, I am glad I didn't. I see varies rockets on ebay and maybe you can score a good deal. It has a 1x10 black shadow speaker. Its only 22 watts, but i hear mesa rates there wattages low, and for what i use it for, i like the low wattage so i can get the tone i want out of it. She has a gorgous clean chanel, and her lead channel crushes harder then a ton of bricks.
[Edited by BleedBLSSDMF on 09-16-2003 at 08:54 PM]
[Edited by BleedBLSSDMF on 09-16-2003 at 08:54 PM]
Zakk.... Your simply amazing!
Zakk.... Your simply amazing!
# 5

I would think the amp you want would also depend on what your personal life is like. Not social but money-wise. I know it shouldn't and it'd be great if it didn't, but we all can't afford the Triple Rectifier... or whatever. lol
But, as for me, community college kid who works about 30 hours a week and saves up, I just bought a Marshall AVT50 for $340 on ebay including shipping and I love it! I still haven't been able to crank the volume up past 5 because of all the damn people living at my house!! But even at four, the overdrive is crazy loud! Try one of those out at a guitar shop and make sure to bring your own guitar from home, so you'll know!! But I'm sure you already knew. ;)
But, as for me, community college kid who works about 30 hours a week and saves up, I just bought a Marshall AVT50 for $340 on ebay including shipping and I love it! I still haven't been able to crank the volume up past 5 because of all the damn people living at my house!! But even at four, the overdrive is crazy loud! Try one of those out at a guitar shop and make sure to bring your own guitar from home, so you'll know!! But I'm sure you already knew. ;)
The best music out is not on the radio or MTV!!!
# 6

I, also have a POD XT. At rehearsals I run it into the front of a Peavey Classic 20 amp. I am less than thrilled with the sound. When I play live I run the POD direct into the board and it sounds great. Thats the tone!!!
Rock On!!!
# 7
Well, I've got the Tech 21 power engine, and it sounds great. just like it would sound live running through a big PA. I also have a Yamaha power mixer and a peaver 12" floor monitor that I'm going to try as well. But as for the power engine, that little bugger can get pretty loud. it's just right and what I was looking for. Don't have the PA yet, but I'll let ya'll know how that turns out as well. If not so great, I've got penty of other uses for it...he he. Man! I'm really starting to aquire too much stuff..lol guess I'm turning into a gear head. let's see, and now to start back on the guitar collection
# 8

If you run a POD XT direct, make sure you have a kickass PA system that can carry many many watts, especially if you are a lead guitarist; i went direct with my POD XT, direct, one time, sounded pretty good, but not as good as running my POD XT-> Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb.
# 9
The yamaha power mixer and peavey 12" floor monitor finally came in. The PODxt sounds great through it. A little clearer and less muffled sounding than the Tech 21 amp. Anybody have any advice on settings for the POD in this type of setup?
# 10