What Line 6 is doing right now is phenomenal; Guitarists have always done 'multi-amp' type rigs, but they had to do the switching on each amp manually, as far as volume, tone controls, etc; The fact that you can control all of this from one place, and still come up with several sounds on different speakers is amazing; Some people might say "Well, you only mic one speaker anyways, so it doesn't make a difference"; but I suppose that's why they have the XLR outputs, go right to the mixer. Check it out if you haven't already, http://www.line6.com . I was blown away.
Are the Vetta II's out yet? I checked Music123.com, none were there; I'm going to give the Vetta II a whirl, and if I like it more than my '65 Deluxe Reverb, I'm gonna trade it in.
The '65 Reverb series (tube amps) are known as "the kings", as far as tube Amps go (that, and the '59 bassman). Problem is, I've been really liking the concept of multi-amp style rigs, but don't want to haul two big-ass amps around; Solution? Vetta II, or Duoverb series!
I want to know if anyone has tried either the Duoverb Series, Vetta series, or anything interesting like that.