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Joined: 08/09/03
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Registered User
Joined: 08/09/03
Posts: 450
08/29/2003 2:20 am
I think part of the problem is you never really hear the good shredders that much (the more interesting ones that is).

Alos, I don't know why you people think Rrandy Rhoades is a shredder. He's not that quick to begin with, and shredding is about more than just speed. If you want to hear more interesting shredding, you've got to get away from pop music. Try some guitar players like say..well, how bout a long list :P

Shawn Lane
Bret Garsed
Frank Gambale
Greg Howe
Tony Macalpine
Alan Holdsworth (Although everyone should have already heard him)
Michael Harris