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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
08/23/2003 1:40 am
Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Am I the only one who thinks pstrings reply was really patronising and uncalled for?
As one of the many people who has 'written small books' in previous replies to similar questions, I find it very hard, (no, impossible!) to just quietly spew it all out again, without comment. In just a few years of existence, this site has accumulated a wealth of detailed explanations from several knowledgeable sources.

Maybe I was in a sour mood myself when I first read pstring's reply, but I remember thinking that it was pretty much exactly what I was thinking.

Give the man full marks for accuracy, and dock him a few for lack of politeness. We're all human here.
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