peavy amps and behringer

what do you guys think of peavy amps and behringer I went to my local shop today and saw a used peavy for 300 bucks. its like 220 watts with nice distortion I cant remember what model it was but the guy that originally bought it payed 600 and that was in 1999. there is a lso a 300 behringer amp with tons effects. The guy at the shop that behringer is tring to like take over the market right now and says they are doing really good. The amp is setup so there are like 99 clean channels and 99 distorton channels with loads of effects that am most likely not going to use. I was just wonderin if anyone would recomend peavy to me.
# 1
I personally don’t like amps by either however that is a shocking generalization and the only person whose opinion really matters is yours. If you like 'em and the price is right, go for it !!
Do try stuff that you think is well out of your price range, one day it won't be, if you want it enough !!
Behringer have a reputation for supplying knock offs (ie they use other peoples technology, use cheaper components and try to undercut the original maker). I personally cant say if this reputation is deserved, I have had several Behringer products, they have been VERY average but have done there job.
As for Peavey, well I have currently have a Peavey Cirrus 4 string bass (which is lovely). Back in the UK I have a Peavey 112 W Bandit combo which is a dog. It is great for death metal and nothing else !
Do try stuff that you think is well out of your price range, one day it won't be, if you want it enough !!
Behringer have a reputation for supplying knock offs (ie they use other peoples technology, use cheaper components and try to undercut the original maker). I personally cant say if this reputation is deserved, I have had several Behringer products, they have been VERY average but have done there job.
As for Peavey, well I have currently have a Peavey Cirrus 4 string bass (which is lovely). Back in the UK I have a Peavey 112 W Bandit combo which is a dog. It is great for death metal and nothing else !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2
Mmmmm.... Cirrus...
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# 3