I have been playing off and on for many years now, and I have finally decided I need to improve beyond just being a campfire strummer.
My finger dexterity has been sorely neglected and I am now taking steps to fix that issue with spider drills. I can descend with a spider crawl with no issues. However, the moment I want to ascend I run into problems with my 2nd (middle) and 3rd (ring) fingers.
When on the low E string, all is fine and I can make the hop with my 1st (index) and 2nd finger to the A string without issue. But the moment I try to move my 3rd finger to the A string, it wants to hug my 2nd finger and I end up having trouble fretting because the finger has moved so far from the fret. It results in me having to clench my hand, which tenses everything up and that, of course, makes me lose control of my pinky.
I know that all things come with time and patience, and that relaxation is incredibly important, but I was hoping that maybe someone has some tricks they could share that might make this transition a little smoother.
Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance!