recently purchased my first 12-string guitar it's a used Takamini GD-30-CE nothing too fancy I noticed the other day that the bridge was lifting and had some belly warping I have gone about fixing this myself seeing as I have a few years of woodworking under my belt. I have got the warp out enough that I am confident to now re-glue the bridge but I'm worried that the reason the bridge lifted was because of the warping I already plan on installing a bridge doctor but was hoping that someone might have some good recommendations for a good way of reinforcing the glue joint I've now seen a few things that seem like they could work one of which being counter sinking a few bolts through the bridge and having a steel plate and nuts underneath on the bridge brace if anyone has tried something like this or knows of a better way id love to know how it held up and how difficult it was to achieve
12 string bridge reinforcement

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