When to attempt first song

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01/09/2024 6:53 pm

Been playing a couple of weeks. Just started Chap 3.  I've learned the basic cords (still mute some strings) and switching between cords (slowly).  Little bit of rhythm.  I've been trying to take it slow so I learn correctly.  My question is...At what point should I try to play a song?  Will learning a song improve my cord progression or should I just practice switching between cords until my fingers know what to do instinctively? 


# 1
William MG
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William MG
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01/09/2024 8:01 pm


Continue with fundamentals but also go for the song. And be patient with yourself. 

Good luck

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# 2
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01/09/2024 9:41 pm
#1 Originally Posted by: jmwoodward

Been playing a couple of weeks. Just started Chap 3.  I've learned the basic cords (still mute some strings) and switching between cords (slowly).  Little bit of rhythm.  I've been trying to take it slow so I learn correctly.  My question is...At what point should I try to play a song?  Will learning a song improve my cord progression or should I just practice switching between cords until my fingers know what to do instinctively? 

I think it's a good idea to put what you've learned to use. Find a simple song with the chords you know and work on it. Keep up with the lessons but take some time for a song. I've done the chord drills just switching back & forth but it gets dull, playing something keeps the interest up. It will help improve your skill, at least it helped me.

# 3
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01/23/2024 2:23 am

Pick out an easy tune that you're familiar with and have learnt the chords for. As a general rule, beginner-friendly songs should have simple chords like C, G, D, or E minor.

# 4
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01/31/2024 5:33 am

I firmly believe that memorizing the song's melody will be very helpful to you during practice and practice 

 Donkey Kong

# 5

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