You can learn on any guitar with 6 strings any kind of music. At this point you need to drill in the basics and this can be done on any guitar.
And a nylon stringed instrument like your classical will be the easiest on your finger tips until you build your callouses.
Acoustic guitars with steel strings will require more hand strength, be harder on your finger tips until you get those callouses, but will provide a fuller sound compared to a classical. Bear in mind lots of children learn to play on a steel string acoustic and so can you.
Electric guitars will be almost as easy on your fingers as your classical, provide more flexibility in terms of sound, but require more investment as in amp and cable.
There is no right guitar. I started with 1 and for no good reason now own 20.
If you are itching for a new guitar that's a good enough reason as any, but what you have will help you to develop your skills and build in muscle memory. Guitar is about practice.
Best of luck.
Edit: I should have mentioned that if you do decide to buy a new guitar, which is always a good idea in my opinion, it should be the one that turns you on. You like the color, shape whatever. Whatever gets you excited to pickup that guitar is what matters. Once you have some skills and can sit down with any number of guitars at a music store and go through your "music store" routine of stuff that you can play, you will find a guitar that just feels right in your hands and is "your" guitar. And you will find you prefer certain neck profiles body types etc. At that point you will be less interested in how it looks vs how it plays.
But before that will happen you need to be able to play at least a little all over the neck.
This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!