Grindcore songwriting ?

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08/09/2003 1:36 am
Seriously , I wanna know as much as you know about the structure of most grindcore songs . Drumming , lyrics (i can't make out what they're saying) , riffs , everything . What do they tune to ? Also , if anyone here happens to be a vocalist as well , can you explain roughly how to do grind vocals ?
john john
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08/10/2003 9:37 am
I'd suggest you do a bit more listening to some Grindcore bands. The structure of Grindcore is fairly easy to replicate but you need talented guitarplayers and a very tight / speedy drummer.

Grindcore songs typically have three different 'parts'
1. Groove section - Nothing too technical here, just a groove riff on guitar with some backing drumming.
2. Heavy section - Can be fast or slow, typically lots of heavily palm muted guitar riffs chugging along with whatever type of drumming you prefer as long as it matches with the guitars.
3. Brutal section - Speedy guitar riffing, blast beat (or at least fast) drumming. Basically this is the section where everyone would be headbanging quite hard at a live show.

Guitar wise - Its wide open... Tunings can be chosen however its quite typical to tune down from standard in some form. Lots of pinch harmonics and stuff like that are used in this style of playing as well as tremelo picking / general speed. Some bands choose to go seemlessly from rhythm patterns into lead bits (Dying Fetus's Justifiable Homicide for example).

Drumming - Reference your favorite grindcore bands. Typically its all about at least having the ability to play quick when needed.

Lyrics - Whatever you want them to be about. Some bands make the lyrics all about death / surgery / killing people / murder, others choose to write about political stuff. Its wide open.

Vocals - Typically they use a deep, back of the throat style. I don't do vocals but its not that hard to replicate, just pick whatever vocal style you like and experiment a bit, you'll usually make up your own when doing so.

Just listen to a lot more Grindcore bands and you'll be good to go, but try not to copy the other bands, use them as reference points and then decide what you want your music to sound like and create it.

As far as bands go, I like Dying Fetus and Aborted quite a bit when it comes to Grindcore.
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08/10/2003 2:52 pm
I listen to plenty of grindcore , just I suppose I should kinda pay attention to different parts more . I don't want to tune the guitars down very much . Are there any grind bands that play in Eb ?
john john
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08/11/2003 1:33 am
I can't really think of any off of the top of my head. But just look around on the internet... This site has a couple of bands on 'em that are good...
# 4

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