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Since you are an absolute beginner I recommend starting at Guitar Fundamental 1.
There are 2 reasons most guitar curriculums starts with chords. First, the guitar is quite often an accompaniment instrument, which means playing chords to support the vocals, or structure of a song. Second, the wider motions of playing chords is a usually a little easier to start with as opposed to the very small, precise motions required to play single note melodies (for example, lead guitar lines).
If you follow the GF 1 course, you will eventually get to the lessons involving scales & melodies. You could, if desired, simply skip or watch through the material until you get to what you are interested in. But you will probably miss quite a bit of learning context along the way. And the conceptually content of lead guitar is built on, relies on, knowledge of chords, key signatures, harmonies, etc.
For what it's worth, I understand your excitement about & interest in lead guitar. It's very dramatic & fun stuff! But it's only one aspect of what you can do with a guitar to play music.
Hope that helps!