My when playing warmups like the spider crawl my thumb likes to point towards the headstock instead of staying at right angles to the neck like when playing bar chords. Is this okay or something I should work on fixing? Keeping it upright slows me down it makes it more difficult.
Thumb position. Does it matter?
I just tried spiders to see what I am doing. When I have a gap between the fleshy pad of my thumb and the neck, my thumb is pretty much at a right angle to the neck. When I brought that part of the thumb closer to the neck, so less gap, my thumb pointed more towards the headstock.
Both worked though and I had no discomfort either way. There might be a right way, I just go with what gets me playing the tune and don't think much about it.
This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!
My when playing warmups like the spider crawl my thumb likes to point towards the headstock instead of staying at right angles to the neck like when playing bar chords. Is this okay or something I should work on fixing? Keeping it upright slows me down it makes it more difficult.
In general it's best to move your thumb along the back of the neck as necessary to maintain opposing pressure with your fretting fingers. I find beginners have this problem of tilting their thumb when they try to keep it in one position as they try to play notes higher up the fretboard.
This tutorial covers basic fretting hand mechanics.
Hope that helps! Please ask more if necessary.
The angle of your thumb during guitar warm-ups and exercises, like the spider crawl, can vary based on playing style and comfort. However, maintaining a thumb position perpendicular to the neck is generally recommended for certain techniques, such as bar chords, as it provides better support and control.