How to avoid perfectionism in each lesson?

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Joined: 11/17/23
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12/17/2023 5:26 am

How much work do you put into each lesson inside a chapter? Do you try it once and if you kinda get it you move to the next lesson? Or do you continue in that lesson until you get it down let’s say 80% and then move forward?

I am struggling to know when I should be progressing from lesson to lesson. I may be spending too much time in each lesson trying to get it perfect, thoughts?

# 1
William MG
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William MG
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12/17/2023 6:21 am

Yup, it's easy to push to the point where learning has stopped and frustration is building. We can always go back to a lesson and pick up where we left off. Learning, for me, doesn't always happen in a straight line. I kind of zig zag around, coming back and retrying those parts that proved difficult. Normally, over time, I get things worked out.

You will find a point, sounds like you might be there now, when you know it's time to give that lesson a rest and move on.

Good luck


This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
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01/08/2024 3:07 am

I study a lesson until I understand it before moving on to the next lesson.

# 3

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