Pardon me if I'm wrong, but are you writting lyrics one day and then trying to put them with a riff you just came up with today? Or vice-cersa? If that's true, no wonder you can't get them to go together. It can work out that way but there's a easier way to do it. Try writting the lyrics first, figure out how it would be sung and then write music to accompany it, or if you write the music first think of something that would sing good over the music. It's alot easier to do this way than to see if a random lyric will work with a random riff.
Tip: When you are singing, it works out alot easier if the music isn't complex or at least more complex than the lyric. The most complex part will get the most attention, and you don't want to drive the focus away from the singing part by playing some insane solo over the vocals. The vocal is ALWAYS in the foreground(exceptions yes, if wanted). The listeners attention will always be on the vocals when they come into the mix, so just use music to set a mood and accompany the lyric melody. When the vocals stop then do you insane licks. It will turn out better structured and easier to follow.
And yes check out your favorite singers and see how they write the melody for the lyrics, and then see how the music accompanies it.
[Edited by noticingthemistake on 08-08-2003 at 09:49 AM]
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.