Floyd Rose Issue

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12/10/2023 1:06 am

I have a Floyd Rose equipped guitar with a compound radius neck (12" to 16") and of course, with the shifting humidity levels everything has been moving. I will go down the checklist of things as I am only having one string that's giving me an issue.

Neck relief - not an exact measurement but there is a slight gap when fretting on the first and last fret (Low E has an ever so slight gap) and it's set well enough that I am not getting any buzzing in first position.

Float - bridge is floating level to the body

Bridge - Action is set where I usually have it (1.50mm low E and between 1mm and 1.25mm high E)

Radius - set according to the radius of the fret board.

Frets - No high frets at all.

I have this narrowed down to being a setup issue (obviously) but I can't figure it out. When I raise the bridge on the high E side, it still frets out. When I adjust the neck to compensate for the higher action at the bridge, I get nasty buzzing in first position. There was no issue before the humidity started changing. I recently changed the strings on it and cleaned it up, and it was fine up until today when I noticed that I'm fretting out only on the high E.

I hate chasing buzz and I would rather not have to bring it to the shop to get someone to fix it up for me (last case scenario)

Any help is appreciated.

*Edit* When I use the fine tuner it seems to cause this issue. When the fine tuner is adjusted all the way up I get no fretting out. When I begin to lower the fine tuner, it starts creating the fretting out issue.

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Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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12/12/2023 10:32 pm

Chasing buzz is a headache! Sounds like such a specific problem. Are there any other Floyd Rose users in the house?? I found this floyd rose forum that might have some additional info - https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?tags/floyd-rose/

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
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