Does anyone have any tips on how to keep your wrist straight while power chords? I can play power chord songs just fine (such as Nirvana's About a Girl and Blur's Song 2), but my wrist is bent little too much and I can feel the strain on my wrist.
Power Chord and Bent Wrist?
# 1
The simple answer is “don’t bend your wrist.” Easier said than done.
Wrap your thumb around the top of the neck if you can, that helps me play with a straight wrist. Maybe your fingers aren’t able to do this, so you can cheat a little.
Play power chords with your index and pinky only - pinky frets then 5 and octave. Don’t play with one finger on each note.
Play E form barre chords using the A-e strings only.
Basically if you have to hold your wrist like that to play it, rearrange something. Either rearrange your fingers or transpose the chord if possible.
# 2