Which brings me to the "leads" (I apologize for my ineptitude of the musical rhetoric) of contemporary music. What allows for certain notes to comprise a lead? What sort of know-how should a lead guitarist have to be at the very least proficient at his craft? Are there specific guidelines one must follow so that the guitar leading portion of a piece sounds "in place", for a lack of a better phrase, with its rhythm counterpart?
Maybe someone out there whose been in my kind of plight can suggest reading material for a wannabe artist? (Like for sight-reading, I seriously sometimes can't tell a rest from a clef.)
I thank you for any offered assistance, for it is always welcomed.
On a side note: I'd like to say Hey to y'all. First time poster, short time reader, prospective long term supporter. Once again, thanks.
"My entire life flashed before my eyes... It was pretty boring"