My newest purchase...

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08/06/2003 4:36 am

    Wizard neck
    3pc. Maple Neck Material
    Basswood Body
    24/Jumbo frets
    Rosewood Finger Board
    Edge Pro bridge
    IBZ V7 (H) Neck PU
    IBZ S1 (S) Mid PU
    IBZ V8 (H) Bridge PU
    Pearl Dot Inlay
    PC : Hardware Color

I had to get it. I got a super deal and man I never thought I would buy an Ibanez, but this things tone was great and played awesome.

I got a super deal too. The guitar lists for $749.95 and well my brother is a known musician around here so his buddy hooked me up for $325. They had it marked for $549.95 so I think it's a pretty good deal.

Any thoughts?? (besides any ibanhad comments hrbndrckr) :D
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# 1
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08/06/2003 5:12 am
$325, eh? Pretty nice steal; you could go out and sell that on ebay and make $200 profit, if you wanted!

I've never been a fan of Ibanez' guitars (they feel different to me...its hard to explain), but nonetheless, that's a good deal.

Do you plan on switching that Single Coil into a Humbucker? I've found Middle Single-Coils to be near-worthless; The Single Coils (to me) sound much more 'far out' in the bridge or neck position. How many people use that middle single coil on their strats? The number is alot less than you think. Nice Steal, Nice Steal.

# 2
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08/06/2003 6:10 am
Yeah, I have an old Fender (Korean) Squier that I started with and I've been playing on that for almost 3 years now. It's different from most because most of them that I see are set up S-S-S and mine is S-S-H. I have NEVER used the middle pickup....ever. I have played on many different guitars from PRS to Les Paul's to Fenders to Ibanez to Peavey, pretty much the mainstream stuff (I have a rich buddy who can wail and spent most of his fortune on collecting guitars, had about 6 PRS's, 3 or 4 acoustics, a couple of Peavey's a Les Paul Standard so on and so on) I loved the neck on this Ibanez it was slim and fast.

It's funny because everyone always knocks Squiers and I haven't had really any complaints with mine, just that it goes out of tune a lot and I don't feel like messing with it. It was a great starting guitar but I wasn't aware of the Kramer's when I first started playing or I would've gotten one of those.

On to your question, I don't really know what I'm going to do with that middle pickup yet. A humbucker would be nice, but I think it would be a pain to install or a fortune to have it installed.

But yeah I couldn't pass this deal up. I want to get rid of my Washburn Electric/Acoustic. But I think I'd sound like a pretty big dick going in there, "Hey man, I know you knocked $200 off the price of that guitar but would you also take a trade." Who knows, he might go for it.

Thanks for the reply.
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# 3
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08/06/2003 8:42 am
nice 1570 you got there...
i got the 1550 a few months back & the stock pickups quickly made way for Seymour Duncans (Screamin' Demon bridge + Distortion neck). left the single coil alone, i only like single coils in fender...
# 4
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08/06/2003 3:19 pm
Guitars with a middle S feel more comfortable to me , cuz I usualy lay my ring or middle finger on it :p .

I occasionaly use it combined with the bridge's H to get a surf-rock kinda tone ... Not typicaly, but it's close.
# 5
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08/06/2003 5:07 pm
thats a pretty good deal you got there on that ibanez. i personaly prefer the thinner s series but at just over $300 that ios a steal. i recently bought a fernandes sustainer guitar for $400 when its list price was $700. i also got a good deal on the hughes & kettner zentere head and cab for $4000. wat do you guys think of the guitar and amp.
# 6
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08/07/2003 10:43 pm
Hey I resemble that remark Pantallica :)
Actually I own an Ibanhad. Is's a mid 80's model RG550 in Nuclear Yellow. It also has the wizard neck but now the all access neck joint. But a nice enough guitar I thought I would keep it in the "stable"

OH nice buy by the way. EVEN I would have snatched that up for that kind of price
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# 7

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