So I am a beginner guitar player and I am going through the lessons in Guitar Tricks. After I finish my practice I flip over to Guitar Pro and I am just trying to learn "Rumble" (Link Wray) The 1st chord is shown as a D5/A. Looking it up the description says its a inverted D5 power chord and the sheet shows it as this:
A in the 3rd fret D in the 2 fret
So I looked it up on GuitarChord*org and It shows the chord as:
D5/A as D and G in the 7th fret
Then I went to GuitarTricks toolset and I looked up the chord and it shows it as this:
G B in the 5th and 7th fret and bunch of variations that are all over ...
None of these are the same.....
How am I supposed to know how to play a chord that I cannot find a diagram for??
Well I guess I cannot post images...