Like Meatloaf said, "2 out of three ain't bad." Well 11 out of 20 is! That's how many Rolling Stones songs GT added, 11 out of the last 20. More than 50% This site is crumbling right before our eyes and all they'll say about it is "This isn't the outcome we wanted" Thanks for nothing GT.
Song Selection Sucks

# 1

# 2

Not only the odd choice of RS songs, but the remake of songs they already have lessons for, along with all the public domain songs that don’t require licensing and are free for everyone to use -what’s up with that?
# 3

It is a shame. Guitar Tricks used to be such an awesome site, but I really think those days are gone and not coming back.
# 4

# 5
What is bad this site? I'm just not long ago. I read a lot of interesting information here.
# 6

# 7

I saw this thread here and it seems to address a lot of this. It's good to have a more modernized approach to collecting from the active user base.
# 8