How do I go about making a lead

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12/11/2000 11:15 pm
I don;t know music theory, but I want to make a little lead part for a song. How would I do this?

Say this is my riff
Tuned to D


And this keeps repeating

Do I have to use the notes in these chords for the lead?
# 1
Jon Broderick
Joined: 10/31/00
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Jon Broderick
Joined: 10/31/00
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12/12/2000 6:57 pm
Well, 'Tuned to D' could mean a variety of things. It would be easier to answer your question if you showed what each string was tuned to.

But, it would probably be best, since it sounds like you are new at this, to play only the notes in those chords and their octaves.

hope this helps.

Jon Broderick
Guitar Tricks Instructor - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 2

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12/12/2000 10:34 pm
Well from what I've seen there, you're song is in a chromatic key, meaning that it contains every note in the scale. So I think you're best bet for a solo here would be to do what Jon said, use the notes of the chords.
# 3
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12/12/2000 11:30 pm
Thanks for the help guys.
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