Shawn Crahan's AIM Screen Name

I read from that Shawn6 goes on AIM sometimes and chats with fans...does anyone know his Screen Name?
# 1

# 2

Apparently, some guy named Shawn Crahan. I've never heard of him...Probably a phony.
# 3

He's one of the "drummers" in Slipknot. (Sh*tknot)
I think he's one of the guys that beats on barrels.
I think he's one of the guys that beats on barrels.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 4

lol...hey slipknot aint that since alot of people i know would beat the living S**T out of me if i said totherwise...besides some of there stuff is pretty cool...
...Only one of us walks away...
# 5

I would have to agree with Sh*itknot, it better reflects their sound.
By the way, they stole the name Slipknot illegally from a Grateful Dead Cover Band, who has had the name legally registered for a very long time under the copyright laws, etc. I believe they are currently being sued.
By the way, they stole the name Slipknot illegally from a Grateful Dead Cover Band, who has had the name legally registered for a very long time under the copyright laws, etc. I believe they are currently being sued.
# 6

[FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT]undefinedundefined **** u guys who think slipknot suck! shawn crahan happens to be the most awsome percussionist in the ****in band. if u don't like slipknot, get ****in over it,don't post **** on the site that gets people like me pissed off at ****ers like you. SLIPKNOT RULES you assholes! deal with it. oh yea, SHAWN CRAHAN IS ****IN HOT!!!
# 7