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Joined: 07/16/02
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Senior Member
Joined: 07/16/02
Posts: 554
07/23/2003 11:47 pm
Rap doesn't bother me that much. I actually like some of it. I don't go around blaring my "system" (I really have a sucky "system") and trying to act ghetto, but some of it is good. I just have to be in the right mood to listen to it. Most of the new rap or hip-hop is horrible though.
BLitZKRieG6sic6: Those lyrics you posted are horrible and I much rather listen to rap than drinking blood and everything death metal talks about. I agree with everything that Led Zepplin has said in this thread. Dr. Dre, Eminem, Ice Cube, Bone Thugs N Harmony, 2 Live Crew, etc. all have a lot of talent. Just because they don't play an instrument doesn't mean they are no talent low-lifes (although a lot of rappers are). Rap has inspired me with my bass playing and guitar playing, and that is the main reason I listen to it. As for most of the pop that is out today. It is all pretty much a bunch of crap.

[Edited by metalisbest on 07-23-2003 at 06:56 PM]