Different Strats...

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06/24/2003 5:12 pm
Hey guys,

Wondering if someone could stop my confusion over stratocastors.

Squier, US standard, the "real" deal, would someone please set me straight on what the different types are. It is extremely confusing. Is a US standard a real fender? wait a minute, then what would a real strat be? You see, I am very confused. Help!
# 1
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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06/24/2003 5:49 pm
Squire = El-cheapo Japanese made Fender
Standard = Usually Mexican; a definate step up, but play before you buy because the quality will varry a good bit.
American Standard = Made in the US, top quality.

But that's all a very rough idea. A lot of the reissues are made in Japan and they usually play and sound pretty good. Then there's a line of American guitars with thinner finishes which are electronically structurally the same, but are cheaper due to the lower cost finish.
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# 2
Gear Guru
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06/25/2003 4:46 am
All of these terms mean different things, depending on where you are. For instance, an American Standard Strat sold in Britain is actually made in Japan, and the quality of materials and workmanship is higher than the made-in-USA American Standard Strat sold in the USA! The hardware is the same, but the neck has a V-profile, and the body is different.

As I've said many times, forget about the labels!!

If a guitar feels good in your hands, and the sound is what you want the world to hear, that's the guitar you want.
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06/25/2003 12:45 pm
Check out


I have 5 fender guitars at the moment and, LOTS has it nailed, don't look at labels! They can give you a guideline as to what to expect but play the exact same axe you are thinking of getting and, if it don’t feel right, don’t part with any cash! Also it is good to try on one day and buy on another to avoid impulse purchases and "settling for" syndrome.

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# 4
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06/25/2003 6:40 pm
thanks for your replies guys, has cleared things up a bit.

On an american standard strat, will it state this on the head?
# 5

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