Hello I am Hans. Next year I am 70 years old. Recently I started playing guitar after a long period. It was a "must" while two of my grandchilderen started also playing guitar. So granddad has a task to do. 😀 In the sixties I had a simple Egmond acoustic guitar, build in Eindhoven (NL), the same as one of the first guitars of Paul McCartney. In 1967 I played in a schoolband as rythm guitarist. Again on an Egmond, an electric version with one element, fully restored by an empolyee of Philips. Later on I learned playing on several other instruments: whistle, baritone horn and trombone. And the last 15 years I was a singer in a events choir. See: https://youtu.be/H6UvK5Qv278
I like GuitarTricks with it's fenominal educative structure. It contains everything I need to play,... or learning to play.
And what for my very helpfull is, is the parallel presentation of the scores.
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