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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
06/21/2003 12:30 pm
Yes it is , this type of mindless stereotyping is at the heart of every sort of prejudice, -ist and -isum and for those who are "hard of thinking" that is a bad thing !!!!

Once again we see people tying to reassure them selves with what appear to be easy answers that requires a minimum of thought and provide a minimum of accuracy.....Makes me think of..... Homer Simpson !

I know plenty of Germans who wouldn't dream of spitting on / at any one. I also know Americans who are married to Germans and living in Germany....surprise surprise, no problem their either!

One of the cleverest people I know (and I have met a few) is American. On the other side of the coin an American soccer player once remarked, in conversation, after I had told them I was from the UK, that they thought that my English was very good ! That conversation didn't last very long !

[Edited by Dr_simon on 06-21-2003 at 09:19 AM]
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