Wimp amp blues

spiffy mcfly
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Joined: 06/11/03
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spiffy mcfly
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06/11/2003 11:29 pm
Aye! I got a crate ??-15 and I hate it. I got it cuz I needed small at the time, but he sound is cranky and whiney, and I can only use one speaker with it. (Heh Heh I got phat !JBL speaks tho) That is bad mojo for those who need power output! I played for 200- some odd today and I couldn't hear myself turned all the way up. How thay gonna hear me? Point being, I need advice on a semi-portable amp with TWO speaker outputs. Any wise guys?

Oh yeah. fellow newbies, don't get a crate. don't.
So sayeth the Spiffy One
# 1
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06/12/2003 1:34 am
Peavey XXX 2-12 combo

So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 2

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