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Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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Joined: 12/23/01
Posts: 1,625
07/06/2003 4:51 am
Originally posted by Lordathestrings

I don't think Incidents Happen would enjoy hearing what this man has learned about Gibsons over the years.


We've been through this one, Lord, and I totally agree with the fact that Gibson's are overpriced, can be "Used and sold as new", and that they are not always consistant, but I can't deny that sweet sweet tone.

Around my 18th birthday, I will be getting a custom guitar ($6000, or so, with everything to my specs), but until then, I want a guitar that I love the tone on, and a 2nd axe when I get my custom (not gibson custom- an actual custom guitar, i'm probably going with , Matt knows what he's doing... young guy, moved from some place to New York City, getting his shop open again). I'm not sure if his site is up yet.

I have an uncanny ability to save money, and my plan is to have an awesome recording studio in my bedroom by the age of 17, custom guitar by 18 (or 18.5, by the time i graduate).

The price of the recording studio should be around $3000-$4000 or so; It will be computer interfaced; Then, i'll buy a nice studio vocal mic ($600-$700); I haven't decided if i want a direct connection with my computer from amp (bypass mic's for guitar), or not, depends on how well it can handle it...The majority of direct connections sound too thin and tinny, and alot of them don't process effects.

Either way, I'm prepared to take the bite out of my wallet.