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Joined: 10/31/01
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Registered User
Joined: 10/31/01
Posts: 611
06/12/2003 9:58 pm
I love my RG570 Ibanez but then I got it second hand so it was much cheaper than it would be normally. I just dig having a floydd rose and it's reasonably stable even if you give it some welly. You can always get features added to your guitar later if you want; I got an EMG 89 splitable stuck on mine along with a kill switch which I can (depending on pickup selection) use as a straight on and off or as a tone/boost switch (quiet and midsy to LOUD and trebly). I'm not so sure about the playabillity thing though, yeah I can shred manically on it but the most playable necks I've ever tried are Fender necks and you can get them with Floydd roses and 24 frets... That'd tempt me but they probably cost a bomb. I'd want to try Schecter and Patrick Eggle guitars cause they're not such famous makes. Eggle's look beautiful and any guitar that's good enough for Shaun Baxter should be good enough for anyone.Another slightly obscure make I'd want to try is Carvin, Allan Holsworth plays them and he's a phenomenal guitarist.
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