By the looks of things this is definately the way forward, all of these guitars in one and for just under £800-ish. For one thing, it definately beats buying an array of vintage and new instruments for monsterous amounts of cash when at the flick of a switch you can change from a jangly 12-string to rocky Les Paul to fender Tele Thinline. How long would it take to try and find the right sound that would suit your needs with the wide variety of axes at your disposal? But personally all this being a great idea an all it kind of ruins the fun of going into a music shop and selecting your own 'special' guitar whether it be a vintage guitar or brand new one and messing around trying to get 'that' sound. I don't know....I'm happy with my Fender USA Texas Strat, Mex Tele and APX5A acoustic- all a grown man needs(minus the Les Paul, Ricky, PRS, Martin, Vintage Fender........:)
And was it just me or is a certain Mr Page playing one on Zeps new DVD live footage...
Anyway, I haven't seen many(if any) posts regarding this new technology so I'd thought i'd make a start. Thank you for listening, oh and for my other post in the musicians life forum regarding the bass player the band made a decision to get in the reliable guy and we are halfway to getting a few gigs booked in the South West of England.
"When I was a kid,all I wanted was a red electric guitar.It had to be red,because of Hank and his magical sound." Mark Knopfler on Hank Marvin.