And the advice is always very well appreciated...but now i'm looking for someone who will listen to and grade my soloing. I will record my "attempted soloing" and put it up on my website (which also has some songs of mine up) and have you grade it. I ask that they tell me what to work on and tell me tricks to learn or new patterns etc. And how i should go about learning them and practicing them.
If you do this you can enjoy completely tearing into my talent until i am up to your level of acceptance.
And really help a guitarist who appreciates music.
Plus i think this idea adds a whole new dimension to future people who want to learn how to play. (and i know i'm not the first to think of this)
Any takers? :)
(the reason i havn't posted any of my playing yet is because recording takes time and uploading and putting it all on the site takes time. I want to be sure that someone is willing to help before i do it all) :)
Pray for Jason Becker