My Signature.
Zakk Wylde Bends And A.H.

Can someone very specificaly explain how to do the bends and artificiall harmonics that Zakk Wlyde does? Thanks for any help.
# 1
And what EXACTLY is your problem ? You don't know what is a bend or A.H. , or it's just that you can't sound them right ?
Be specific plz.
Be specific plz.
# 2

oh, sorry about that. i can bend and do a.h's, but i cant do a.h's well, and i can't make the sound Zakk makes at all.
My Signature.
# 3

You should also think that Zakk probably have much better gear than you, but good fat distortin will help.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 4

All the best gear in the world still won't give you that Zakk Wylde pich harmonic/vibrato. IT TAKES PRACTICE!!!!
To get really good at pinched harmonics you MUST practice them every day. Practice every pinched harmonic on EVERY fret and EVERY string, starting on 1 string then work your way up and finding each fret's respective "SWEET SPOT" with your picking hand.
Practice bending on every string
Again practice on every fret and every string. It takes YEARS to develop a great vibrato and Zakk's didn't happen overnight.
Practice everything together and practice it EVERY DAY! You'll eventually notice improvements...but it does NOT happen overnight. :-)
To get really good at pinched harmonics you MUST practice them every day. Practice every pinched harmonic on EVERY fret and EVERY string, starting on 1 string then work your way up and finding each fret's respective "SWEET SPOT" with your picking hand.
Practice bending on every string
Again practice on every fret and every string. It takes YEARS to develop a great vibrato and Zakk's didn't happen overnight.
Practice everything together and practice it EVERY DAY! You'll eventually notice improvements...but it does NOT happen overnight. :-)
I started learning guitar because of Randy Rhoads..but Yngwie J. Malmsteen is my biggest influence.
# 5
As your distortion gets heavier (preferably with some highs or trebles) , A.H. will sound clearer .
Since you already know how to play A.H. , just do them all the time while practicing ... Whenever you have a problem with a certain technique , just overpractice it , and that's a guaranteed method by everybody for excelent results.
Wooohooo ,Dejan has recovered from (Rap)anoia symptoms .... Let's party ! :p
Since you already know how to play A.H. , just do them all the time while practicing ... Whenever you have a problem with a certain technique , just overpractice it , and that's a guaranteed method by everybody for excelent results.
Wooohooo ,Dejan has recovered from (Rap)anoia symptoms .... Let's party ! :p
# 6

# 7
# 8

I think good gear is of more importance than actual practice. Some amps, guitars, and pickups are simply not capable of getting clear sounding harmonics. My gibson isnt as good as my epiphone for example when it comes to harmonics.
# 9

I think good gear is of more importance than actual practice.
Tell me your joking
I started learning guitar because of Randy Rhoads..but Yngwie J. Malmsteen is my biggest influence.
# 10

Practice is lot more important but gear does matter for this kind of technique. I mean even Zakk wouldn´t get those screams that good if he had early 70´s distortion a la Purple & AC/DC.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 11

Wanna bet! There's a video of him somewhere on the net doing an instructional video and he's using just a practice amp and he still gets the same's all in the hands
I started learning guitar because of Randy Rhoads..but Yngwie J. Malmsteen is my biggest influence.
# 12

I know wich video you´re talkin´ about, it´s called somthing like lessons and I think he´s got a pretty nice dist there.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 13

He's also using fairly cheap gear....cept his guitar
I started learning guitar because of Randy Rhoads..but Yngwie J. Malmsteen is my biggest influence.
# 14

The little rig I bring with me when I travel (For pleasure not music related) is a little Marshal full stack (You know that real small 8 inch or so practice amp Marshal makes as a practice amp) with a Rockman Duct taped to it and sounds great from when I'm not around my monster rig (wich I just upgraded with a Compressor/gate/limiter(Rackmount), and a BBE Sonic Maximizer(Also a rackmount)).
Best of clips to my belt (The marshal thingy)
Best of clips to my belt (The marshal thingy)
I started learning guitar because of Randy Rhoads..but Yngwie J. Malmsteen is my biggest influence.
# 15

Ok so you have to be relatively good to do harmonics in the first place but the gear you have defines the sound of them.
# 16

hmmm, I guess I'd have to disagree with the gear being so important to get the right PH's. It's really all in the technique. When you know how to do it right, you can get very nice PH's even without any distortion. I'd advise to experiment with different ways to touch the strings (in the right spot!) while picking, f.e. with thumb, index finger, some other right hand finger, finger nail, on down strokes and upstrokes, until you find the way that is most comfortable for you to get the right squeals. In Zakk's case, the vibrato is a major part of his PH sound: make sure it's very wide and has the right speed. It may help to tune down such that the strings are less tense, gives a more flappy vibrato :)
# 17

well i think if you have better gear it sounds alot better when you practice,cause you like the tone as if were playing with crappy gear it will just sound terribl,no matter how good you play but you still need practice.also i read an article with zakk on a.h. and he said when he would pracice them he would only use a clean channel and play them on fat strings and when he got the feel he played them with dist. which makes it sound X10 better.
"to shred or not to shred that is thee question"
# 18

to the guy who wanted to know about how to do zakk's stuff, go check out some back issues of his column "brewtality" in guitar world for starters that and like what everybody else has stated about a "little time and dedication" you should be able to get some of it down.
Can we have everything louder than everything else???
# 19