Mudvayne:your take on the band?

Just wondering what ya guys thought of them in a technial, porsenal, sence. i would figure the older metal heads probleys dont like em ;) let me know.
# 1

They're a horrible band who doesn't deserve to be called musicians. I would suggest taking their money and buying their way into Juliard for as long as they could, even though they could spend 20 years there and not learn a thing.
# 2

they might not be technically wonderful or muscially but there first single "Dig" i think its called always made me start rocking out for no apparent reason
Not a Pro, Just like guitar
# 3

# 4

Man, u people have no idea what you are talking about. Im not even a fan of mudvayne, sorry i dont like the whole screaming crap, but saying they suck technically? i don't know if any of you are bass players, but ryan martinie is one of the best metal bassists to come around in a long time, if you donht believe me, listen to the single "not falling" and listen closely to the bass part.
# 5

Ya mudvayne is really technical if you look into it :) The singer can hit alot of high notes and low ones. guess it depends on how much you have seen them to know there talent.
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