View post (String Dampeners, where can I buy them?)

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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
04/16/2003 9:47 am
why is it cheating to use a string damper?? its damn difficilt to slightly impossible to damp all the trings when you do 8 or 10 fingertapping - how would you damp the other strings that start to ring just from the vibration energy that is put onto the fretboard by tapping against it with the fingers? I mean.. just look at the chapmanstick - that instrument would be impossible to play without the attached string damper (there is some sort of fur glued to the fretboard between the nut and the first fret). Cheating.. schmeating

[Edited by Azrael on 04-16-2003 at 04:56 AM]

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