Ok so it seems that we have quite different tastes in music. I have heard these songs and they are nothing special to me but if you have strong feelings for them, that's ok, it's a free world. Let's not make a quarrel here.
Five years ago I was one raging Gn'R fan and I still prefer them before Linkin Park, Bizkit and POD, but you know I have eveolved in my tastes much away from that hard n'heavy rock.
now I am really into bands that try to make something different, that try to break the rulez of music, that try to stand above the others.
I personally think that if Hendrix or Page or Zappa were now 17 year old aspiring musicians they won't be runnig up and down the pentatonics and singin "God gives rock n'roll to you" and similar sh!t, more probably they would be gettin into technology, digital efex, synths, "two turntables and a microphone"(that's what's in my player right now). I guess they probably would not at all be guitar players...if we extrapolate their genius in year 2003. Well, that's just how I fell about that issue.
But if you like, rock on, bang that hair and do all the related stuff. Noone's gonna stop ya.
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!