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Slow Diver
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Joined: 02/27/02
Posts: 379
Slow Diver
Registered User
Joined: 02/27/02
Posts: 379
03/19/2003 9:50 am
Once I was at a party in a friend of mine and I drank too much an smoked a lot of weed. The last think I remmembered was that we were partying and chatting and then....I woke up in one bed and it was around 12 o'clock at noon. I asked my friend "How the **** I got in that bed?" and he told me that I had gone to the toilet and I was missing for more than an hour. He got worried about me and went downstairs and found me that I was asleep on the floor of the bathroom. I hadn't done anything bad, just had fallen asleep ner the bathroom's door. I suppose that I felt bad and tried to sober up by throwing up but I couldn't manage to do it. Then he carried me to the upper floor and put me to sleep. This is one of the most embarassing stories and since then I am very careful about how much I drink and smoke.
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