"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
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Ok, if you want Reallly great tone then nerf the hybrids and go for a vintage tube fender, like round 65 or so. One of my buds grabbed a 65 vibrolux i believe it is for only 900 bucks! wanted to kick him in the goonies after i heard that. But between the two amps your looking at umm i havent' personally screwed around with either of 'em and i'm not a big fan of fenders solid states, and even though that's a hybrid....meh just try 'em out at the store and pick which one sounds best to you. If i was you though i'd save up and get a marshall half stack, jcm 2000 dsl head (100 watts not that new 50 watt crap) with one of those new mod four cabs so ya could really crank it, oh and tube the dsl it with some good groove tubes and.....there i go rambling again. but yeah just go to the store and try them out, jam on each one for a good 30 mins to two hours and try out all the settings see which one fits you the best.