zeros in parentheses

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03/09/2023 12:34 am

What does a whole line of zeros in parentheses  mean.








# 1
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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03/09/2023 1:31 am

I'm assuming this is from some tab or notation.  Given that premise:

Zeroes indicate open strings (the "zero fret") and parenthesis indicate held notes or ghost notes.  That means either notes that are held over from another measure or notes that ring lightly or sympathetically.

Where did you see this?

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 2
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03/09/2023 1:56 pm
#2 Originally Posted by: ChristopherSchlegel

I'm assuming this is from some tab or notation.  Given that premise:

Zeroes indicate open strings (the "zero fret") and parenthesis indicate held notes or ghost notes.  That means either notes that are held over from another measure or notes that ring lightly or sympathetically.

Where did you see this?

So its in about a girl by Nirvana B section.

# 3
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03/09/2023 3:45 pm
#3 Originally Posted by: shaff1011

So its in about a girl by Nirvana B section.

Those are all open strings that are lightly ringing.  When you lift your fingers off of the chords and keep your strumming going you either get the open strings lightly ringing from the motion of taking your fretting fingers off of the strings or lightly hitting the open strings with your constant strumming.

Hope that helps!


Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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# 4
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03/09/2023 4:22 pm
#4 Originally Posted by: ChristopherSchlegel

Those are all open strings that are lightly ringing.  When you lift your fingers off of the chords and keep your strumming going you either get the open strings lightly ringing from the motion of taking your fretting fingers off of the strings or lightly hitting the open strings with your constant strumming.

Hope that helps!



# 5
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03/10/2023 3:29 pm

You're welcome!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 6
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03/14/2023 5:35 am

In guitar notation, a whole line of zeros in parentheses usually indicates a rest, which means the player should not play any notes during that specific duration of time. This notation is often used to indicate a break or pause in the music.


# 7

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