Hello. My name is Bob. I reside in Brighton Ontario Canada. I am reuniting with the guitar after a 55-year absence. I am looking forward to learning new guitar techniques that were not available to me in the late 1960's.
Never too late.

Hi Bob, welcome.
A lot of older learners and relearners here so your not alone. Good luck on your journey and yes you will be amazed at all the new techniques since then.

Hi Bob, welcome.
A lot of older learners and relearners here so your not alone. Good luck on your journey and yes you will be amazed at all the new techniques since then.
Thank you Moe

Right with you! As a guitar instructor, I LOVE working with folks who are "re-beginners".
Even with a 55-year haitus, after a while I bet you will notice that your fingers and hands actually remember some of this stuff from long ago!
Take your time, follow a Fundamentals Course (either mine, or Anders') to make sure your technique is re-developing in ways you will be happy about further on down the path.
Have fun! - Lisa
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