Hi Everyone,
I joined about 10 days ago and have been practising every day. I'm a beginner, but finding the course very good and I'm already improving. I'm using a Gretsch G2655 in forge glow maple. However, I've hit a hurdle, which is transitioning my fingers from Am to C. I can go the other way easily enough, but it's a real stretch (literally) getting to the A string of the 3rd fret with my 3rd finger. The only way I can do it is to place the 3rd finger first, then stretch fingers 2 and 1 back to the other strings, but it's costing me 1 beat to do that and I know it's not the right way to do it. Anders specifically mentions this transition as one of the easiest, but not for me. No, not at all. Any tips would be appreciated.
My short-term goal is to complete Guitar Fundamentals 1 & 2 and then play Personal Jesus (from Depeche Mode) repeatedly until I'm sick of it.