Here goes nothing...bucket list

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01/02/2023 3:21 am

Hey there,

I've always loved music and live shows, but it never occured to me to actually learn to play, until now.

So now its on the bucket list, and hopefully, some day i can play a simple tune or two.



# 1
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01/02/2023 12:36 pm

Welcome to the site. Fundamentals 1 will start you off in the right direction. Either Lisa or Anders will get you playing those simple tunes in no time and once you finish there the song library has some made easy versions of classic hits to choose from. 

Enjoy and good luck, 


# 2
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01/03/2023 1:14 am

Check that list off!!!!  This is a great place, just have fun with it and when you need a break take it.  Hopefully this instrument will bring you a lot of joy

# 3
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01/03/2023 1:59 am
#2 Originally Posted by: mjgodin

Welcome to the site. Fundamentals 1 will start you off in the right direction. Either Lisa or Anders will get you playing those simple tunes in no time and once you finish there the song library has some made easy versions of classic hits to choose from. 

Enjoy and good luck, 


I've gone through Anders as far as I can (those barre chords are not easy) so after consuming a little music theory I decided to actually poke around for another instructor to work through their acoustic stuff as well and landed on Lisa.  She's very slow and methodical and doesn't do many jumps in skill.  I think she's a fantastic instructor for anyone that is a bit skittish with this stuff.  Anders puts on a bit of a challenge at times, but it's still really thoughtfully approached.

I don't think either one is the right or wrong choice, but after you do one's curriculum go back and do the other one's because they each focus on good things to note.  I bet doing Lisa's course first might be the best for a lot of new folks, but they might not like the cadence of it since people are impatient.  We'll see how I feel about that when I get to the barre chords with her.

# 4
William MG
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William MG
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01/03/2023 2:20 am
#1 Originally Posted by: spinningewok

Hey there,

I've always loved music and live shows, but it never occured to me to actually learn to play, until now.

So now its on the bucket list, and hopefully, some day i can play a simple tune or two.



I started with the same ambition a few years ago. No exaggeration, 1 song, just to learn to play 1 and I would be happy.

Good luck with your learning. 

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 5

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