I plug my digitech into a solid amp through the input and its find and dandy. However my tube amp has a effect panel in which in contains a send and return. They each have little dials which say "trim" respectivly. I know the setup is guitar to amp, out trhough send to effect pedal and effect petal back into return in to the amp. Well i set up my digitech gnx 1 to the setting of fx 2 12 cause its a 2 "12 speaker, well somtimes on certain setting i hear this loud high pitch screech whats up with that? What do those nobes by the effects and send do? I have figutred out that the effects loop aloww you to play both your pedal and amp at the same time and the volume on each allow you to overide each one. blah just can anyone give me the run down on effects loops and why it shriks sometimes when playing certain amp settings?
p.s. i forgot to mention that i put it throught the "parellel" effects loop and i have a series effects loop as well whats up with that also?
[Edited by Polera on 02-28-2003 at 08:54 PM]
WWSD? What would stevie do?