play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
guitar wars.

ive decided to post this here. what id like to do is have a online guitar war, where participants can record a instrumental and send a link and members can vote on it and see which song is better. there is a site that does this but it is a pay site and it cost money and there is no reason we cant do this ourselves for no cost. it will be a good way to converse with other musicians and learn some new tricks and ways to improve if anyone is interested in doing this just say im in and we will set it up. we can match people against others and maybe even build our own website for this if anyone is interested. please let me know. thanks and god bless. tim pate
# 1

thanks for your response. i tryed that link but it is dead and all i get is page cannot be shown. thanks for trying. ive even tryed searching the topic and cant find nothing.
play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
# 2

Hmm..i think the server is currently down at the moment. The website do exist. Try again later flash. :)
*Speed is nothing without control*
# 3

# 4
yep - server is down!
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
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