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Joined: 04/04/02
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Joined: 04/04/02
Posts: 35
02/21/2003 3:15 pm
I'm not the worlds biggest hendrix fan or anything and can't be bothered with the sort of hero worship that goes on (especially from people that don't know a guitar from a mandolin) but credit where it's due. The man was a true visionary. If you listen to the guitar playing back when he emerged his playing blew everyone else out of the water. He reinvented the way the guitar was played and scared the crap out of the other "guitar gods". I personally think that it's a bit unfair, 30 years later, to compare him with todays guitarists without taking into account the music of the time. Who knows what Hendrix would be playing if he emerged today(I bet it would be something special). I don't believe (and I'm 23yrs old so I'm not living in the past) that any other guitarist has made such an impact to the way the guitar is played. Also, despite his flawed techique, his playing still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stick up, which is more than I can say for most of todays guitarists.....

[Edited by AndyP on 02-21-2003 at 09:18 AM]